Ylaria Giorgia Fiora

School Director, Certified Instructor

Ylaria Giorgia Fiora was born in Milan on November 1st 1974.

She started practicing external chinese martial art in 1995 and after two years started practicing Yang Family Tai Chi Quan with M. Giuseppe Turturo in Milan.

Since 1999 she’s member of the International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association.

She has been teaching from 2001 as M. Giuseppe Turturo’s assistant during his tai chi chuan lessons and from 2005 has been teaching autonomously in Milan, Monza and Acqui Terme.

She participated to many seminars in Italy and China with Masters Yang Zhen Duo and Yang Jun.

On April 2010 ranked the 4th level.

She studied also Traditional Chinese Medicine for 3 years in Milan, in 2003 graduated as “tuina operator”. She went two times to work in Longhua Hospital in Traditional Chinese Medicine Department, Shanghai.

She has been studying Chinese language from 2004, graduated last year and still continue to improve more and more her knowledge.

Email: ylaria@yangfamilytaichi.com