Martine Salane

Certified Instructor

In 1997 Teacher Han Hoong Wang introduced me to the world of Tai Chi and has over the years helped and encouraged me to become a serious practitioner.

For 14 years I have been attending seminars of Grandmaster Yang Zhen Duo and Master Yang Jun, numerous times in the United States, as I live in Michigan, as well as in Europe during my frequent visits to France where I was born and raised, and also in China in 2005.

In 2002, I competed in hand and weapons forms at the international competition in Taiyuan, China, and placed 5th in the 49 Form.

I obtained the rank of Silver Tiger in 2008 and became a member of the ranking committee of the Michigan Tai Chi Center in 2009.

My daily training with Teacher Wang and my own teaching and tutoring since 2006 continue to help me deepen my practice and understanding of the art of Tai Chi.
