Jarred Tafaro

Certified Instructor

Jarred Tafaro began his martial arts studies in 1992.

He was fortunate to grow up in a family of avid martial artists, boxers and thinkers. His Tai Chi journey began in 2004 when his father introduced him to Laoshi Andy Lee, Center Director and founder of TAICHIUSA.

Jarred is currently studying The Traditional Long form, the competition 49, the 24, the 12, 13 Saber, sword and staff. He also practices Qigong at the East Brunswick, NJ Yang Chengfu Tai Chi Center.

His passion for sharing Tai Chi extends to his students at the College of St. Elizabeth, were he teaches piano, music history and theory. In his music research and teaching, he enjoys pondering the possible connection between Tai Chi and piano techniques.

Email: jtafaro@yangfamilytaichi.com