Hafaliana Rarivo

Certified Instructor

Born in 1975 in Antananarivo, Madagascar, RARIVO Hafaliana remembers herself to have always been enthusiastic about body expressions, sports and arts.

In her teenage years she was a swimmer, member of the Malagasy national swimming team. More recently as an adult, she is convinced that her performances would have been even better if she had already been practicing Tai Chi Chuan at that time.

While really interested to know what Tai Chi Chuan was about early on, she only began practicing Yang Style in 2012. Firstly within the Yang Cheng Fu Center of Antananarivo, then later  in Bulgaria within the Yang Family Tai Chi Center of Plovdiv, and now within the Yang Family Tai Chi School of Plovdiv. 

In 2015, she started to teach Tai Chi to adults and children as an instructor trainee. Then having to travel from one country to another and back to Madagascar between 2017 and 2019, she mostly provided individual and private lessons on a voluntary basis. However, since 2020 she is teaching groups again.

She can teach beginners in bulgarian and all levels in malagasy, english and french.

She had the opportunity to attend the seminars led by Master Yang Jun in Madagascar (2016), then in Bulgaria (2023) ; the Tai Chi Chuan Symposium in Selvino (2019) ; and the Directors and Instructors seminars in Roma (2022 & 2023). She has also attended several seminars led by Yang Family Tai Chi Senior, Academy and Certified Instructors.

In her spare time she reads the materials of the association to understand more and deeper the Yang Family Tai Chi ; she also makes continuous researches about Tai Chi Chuan and other internal Chinese martial arts in general.

Apart from her qualifications within the Yang Family Tai Chi organization, she also got certified jugde in Taolu branch by the European Wushu Federation in 2022.

She loves her dog, sea, nature, craft chocolates, light ice creams, and naturally swimming.